Monday, October 22, 2012

Mini Review: "Argo"

An amazing job of putting us back into the iranian hostage crisis, maybe the most accurate period movie to come along lately.  Great acting and oustanding direction.  One of the top films of this year.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mini Review: "Resident Evil: Retribution"

This is one of my favorite franchises right now.  Sure none of the films are what you'd call "good", but they work on a 4 part formula:  BIG (gunfights, zombies, explosions), LOUD(soundtracks, gunfire, explosions), DUMB (scarcest of plotlines), FUN (you walk in and out w/a smile on your face).  However, "Retribution" loses the most vital part of the equation (fun) and loads up on the dumb leaving it a bit hollow.