Saturday, July 21, 2012

Non Film Post: Colorado Horror

I was barely awake when I heard something about Colorado on the radio.  For those who know me, I like to go to sleep with my radio tuned to KRMG (well, I guess you all know now) here in Tulsa.  As I rolled over to grab my phone I tried my best to focus...7 text messages.  Only 7?  Slow news night I thought, as I'd gone to bed unusually late and last checked just before 2AM.  Shooting at the Century 16 theater in Aurora, CO.  10, 12, 14 dead.  30-40-50 injured...during a showing of the hugely anticipated "The Dark Knight Rises".  I immediately jumped up and turned the TV on, tuned to my friends at Fox 23 and then over to the main Fox News channel.

As I tried to comprehend what it was I was hearing, and each new report growing more and more strange, thats when I began to find things that really turned my stomach:

The American left began to spew its venom.

It started on twitter.  Approximately 2-4 hours after the shootings (the coward made his feed private and thats the best timeframe I can narrow down using responses and retweets) a man made a post referencing Rush Limbaugh's stupid comments over the character Bane, and how thats why the shootings occurred.  Numerous others then chimed in saying they'd found a man bearing the shooters name on facebook who was a member of the Colorado Tea Party movement, and even ABC joined in at that point accusing this innocent man (ABC later retracted its story) of this horrific act.  Then the gun control nuts joined in, some saying that "you dont need an AR-15 to duck hunt" and "more laws would have stopped this" to the standard attacks on the NRA (including Colorado law allowing guns on college clue how that tied in) to one disgusting creature saying that the 2nd Amendment (the one designed to prevent government dictatorship by allowing the public free access to firearms) should be done away with cause our right to live is more important.

Then the potheads jumped in, asking why an AR-15 is legal and marijuana isnt, or asking which did more harm last night.

The first trace I can find (not saying this is timeline correct, but its the first my research has uncovered) of the American right responding to the typical childish, knee jerk, blame game liberal reaction to these events was around 9AM Central time.

The bodies of these victims were barely cold, the families were hysterical looking for their loved ones or embracing after reuniting with them in hospitals or the nearby high school the witnesses were ferried to and we've got this human debris on the left belittling their loss and their anguish by playing political games and pushing their agendas.  These people are in desperate need of our support and liberals are walking through their loved ones blood to push their agendas.  I heard two voices of left leaning tweeters speaking out against this, and had two left leaning friends on facebook doing the same.  The silence of the rest leads me to believe that they supported and encouraged such actions.  I hope you're proud.

If you've ever wondered why I view those on the left as misguided spoiled children, yesterday is the prime example.  Perhaps one day you'll grow up and learn some respect for those grieving. In the meantime, shut the fuck up.

Now, to you anti gun nuts.  Let's take your argument in order.  First off, those of you attacking concealed carry laws.  On your best day, you're too stupid to be allowed to live.  Everyone that watched 5 minutes of very early coverage knows the gunman was dressed in head to toe body armor.  Nothing short of a .50 Desert Eagle (which would be about as easy to conceal as a Toyota) would have made a bit of difference.  Had he chosen to fight, SWAT teams with AR-15's of their own would have been needed to penetrate that setup.  So theres your first argument down.  Secondly, the Second Amendment is there to prevent a situation like there was when the pilgrims fled England.  Why would or should we be allowed to let the government tell us what it is and isn't OK to use to protect ourselves with?  I have no problems with the arrangements surrounding fully automatic weapons, but if I want to buy an AR-15 semi auto at my local Bass Pro, then I  have the right to do so.  Maybe I'll shoot it, maybe I'll just look at it...and thats a right protected by the Constitution.  Just because you've had success pushing thought policing in the form of hate crimes laws doesnt mean you can do so here.  Nowhere in the First or Second amendments do you find the words "as allowed by government approval, or as deemed inoffensive".

Third argument, high capacity magazines.  If' he'd been limited to 10 rounds he couldnt have done this.  Or maybe since he was already planning to commit mass murder (which last time I checked, was a criminal act), he would have kept on the criminal path and gotten his 100 round drum magazine through underground means.  Fourth argument, stricter gun control laws.  Colorado tightened its restrictions after the Columbine massacre, you were happy then, why arent you happy now?   He LEGALLY obtained all his weapons under the laws YOU pushed for.  His entire legal history appears to be a single traffic ticket.  Nothing short of the destruction of the Second Amendment (which as we all know is your real goal) would have prevented the shooter from getting those weapons.  Even if it had, he'd have gone underground (see #3, or simply ask Misters Harris and Klebold).

To the druggies that think pot is cool and harmless.  Why dont you ask the Mexican and Central/South American families who are murdered, kidnapped, used in slavery as drug mules by drug gangs how harmless they think it is.  Disrespectful, self centered pathetic useless wastes of flesh..try growing up and facing lifes hardships down instead of patting yourself on the back for running like cowards when things get tough.  Medicinal marijuana?  Bullshit, just an excuse..why not medicinal crack or medicinal heroin?  Bet a shot of LSD would help you forget that tumor they found on your liver.  Completely useless, all of you.

We conservatives are always accused of being heartless and cruel, when in fact its those of you on the left gleefully trampling the bodies of the deceased and pushing your agendas in the face of the crying mother, grieving widow or anguished father.  How bout you live up to your claims and show some compassion  for those agonizing and suffering and bring them up before the inevitable political debate begins.

Until then, I dont give a damn about your opinions, and nothing is going to change that.

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