Being a news junkie, however, I am all too well aware of the mess Mr. Limbaugh has found himself in lately. It's not for why you think though folks.
Rush committed a huge mistake...not cause he called a democratic political operative a "slut", in fact I think most of us would be hard pressed to have not thought the same of a woman who claims to need in excess of $3000 a year in birth control (due to my lack of physical attractiveness in addition to my obviously bad attitude, I havent had to purchase condoms in almost 5 years, but I remember them being less than $10 for a box containing I believe 8-10), but rather for falling for what was an obvious plant.
See, when funding cuts for Planned Parenthood (a private organization I might add) are discussed, the left goes loopy with the same argument everytime. "WHERE WILL THESE POOR OPPRESSED WOMEN GET THEIR ALL IMPORTANT BIRTH CONTROL IF YOU EVIL REPUBLICANS DO THIS???" So funding stays the same or increases and women of all socio-economic groups are able to get their birth control at discounted rates or even free.
So....why do we need yet another big government scheme to force employers to pay for this? I know what youre saying "well, why shouldn't women get theirs paid for, men can get viagra on their insurance"....yup...and thats pretty damn stupid too. However, I believe this to be the difference: erectile dysfunction is considered a medical condition, while taking the pill is considered an option. Yes ladies, I'm well aware many of you need the pill for cramp relief during your menstrual cycle but if I recall correctly, that was covered under my policy for my ex wife.
Basically what it boils down to is if you can't afford Walgreen's, theres Planned Parenthood, along with several other low-income options. You'll get your birth control...thats not what this is really about.
I once asked a liberal friend of mine why, when you have CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, practically every hollywood celebrity, and almost every newspaper in the country trumpeting your political leanings...why are you so scared of Fox News?
His answer: "Because so many people believe their crap". And thats when it hit me, its not that so many people "believe" what Fox News has to say, its that so many people REJECT what your side is feeding them. Rosie O'Donnell was a beloved talk show host once, but once she showed her true colors and began spewing her hateful 9/11 bile, she was (and still is) roundly rejected by the public.
And that gets us into the heart of the Limbaugh matter: This fake, orchestrated outrage coming from the left. It's perfectly fine when million dollar man (and epic scumbag) bill maher calls the Palins sluts, or when george soros backed media clowns on MSNBC refer to Michelle Malkin as such, because theyre Republicans, and therefore not worthy of such defense as NOW routinely provides democrats who are "wronged" in such a matter.
Futhermore, Limbaugh's sponsors are under attack by not their truly outraged customers, but orchestrated operatives simply trying to silence Rush. And that's the issue the left has, that everyone else sees. They only want to defend speech that agrees with theirs, only that which they agree with is worthy of free speech protection.
In other words...its not about truth, its about CONTROL. We know best, we can run your life better than you can. In fact, youre not even worthy of listening to. Thats why we forced obamacare down your throat even though overwhelmingly you didnt want it. It's about more government CONTROL over your life. They know best, you're just too stupid to see it.
It's not about birth control folks, it's really not. It's a tried and true method of making and keeping you slaves. A great Republican once outlawed slavery, great Republicans led the charge against it while democrats in the south (including al gore's father) fought to keep it. Well, they found a way to keep you making you think they wanted to fight for you and by demonizing those who wanted to keep you free.
Do the research, you'll see the Ace is right.
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